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143, Fleur de Lys Road Birkirkara, BKR9066 Malta

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Malta Nomad Residence

The Residency Malta Agency, the local government agency responsible for administering and promoting Malta’s residency and investment programs, has introduced a new residence permit: the Nomad Residence Permit. This initiative offers third-country nationals the opportunity to work remotely and reside in Malta for a limited period.

The holder of a Nomad Residence Permit is allowed to maintain his/her current employment in another country while residing in Malta. The residence permit is issued for one year and may be renewed at the discretion of the authority if the permit holder continues to meet the eligibility criteria. Applicants wishing to stay in Malta for less than one year will be issued with a national visa valid for 91 to 180 days, depending on the intended duration of stay.

As a third-country national (outside the EU), the applicant must prove that he/she is able to work remotely using telecommunications technology. In addition, the applicant must meet one of the following requirements:

  • work for an employer registered in a country other than Malta and have a contract of employment;
  • carry on business for a company registered abroad in which the applicant is a partner or shareholder;
  • provide professional or consultancy services to clients who are permanently established in a country other than Malta and with whom the applicant has a contractual relationship.

All applicants must also:

  • Have a gross monthly income of at least €2,700;
  • be in possession of a valid travel document;
  • live in a rented or owned property;
  • have health insurance covering risks in Malta.

Immediate family members may also be added to the main applicant’s application, provided that the main applicant earns 20% more than the required monthly income of €2,700 for each dependent added to the application.

All applications must be submitted by email to the Residency Malta Agency while the applicant is still abroad. It may take up to thirty (30) days for an application to be processed.